NAPCP Exclusive Interview: Artifact Uprising and Jenna Walker

NAPCP Exclusive Interview: Artifact Uprising and Jenna Walker

As an organization that is 100% focused on capturing the moments of our lives forever, we at NAPCP can relate to the core values of Artifact Uprising. A bright and beautiful company that supports the industry of photography, and they have been a huge supporter of our International Image Competition and search for the 2014 Photographer of the Year! You will love this interview with founder Jenna Walker!

1-Jenna-WalkerAll Images Credit | Artifact Uprising

NAPCP: We love the distinct style and beauty of the Artifact Uprising brand. Tell us about your core values, and how they have shaped your company.
Jenna Walker: It’s funny, when we set out to create this company – it was a side project. We were professional photographers – and for all practical purposes, had arrived at a place in life that felt great. However, there was this side of us that wanted to create something bigger than ourselves. We wanted to build something that could be an example to generations to come on what good business looks like. Because of this, we created different versions of this business over and over again – until our hearts felt aligned with our heads. What resulted? Products we believe in. This is why you see 100% post-consumer waste pages in our photobooks. This is why you see fallen Colorado beetle pine in our wood products. This is why we create products every person can make beautiful with their own photography. This is why we keep moving on – we remember that a great business is only as great as the passion behind us. To have real passion – you have to believe in what you are building. You have to believe in the parts with potential to be bigger than yourself.
Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset
NAPCP: As we move forward in the digital age, with images overflowing on all of our devices, can you give us your best tips for choosing when and what to print?
JW: To me, the great images of our life are those that make us feel something. They aren’t necessarily pixel perfect. They don’t have perfect composition perhaps. But what they do have is emotion. These images make us remember a place, they remind you of the way a person makes you feel. They move you. They bring you back. My advice is to be ruthless in eliminating the images that don’t move you. Three images that tell the story of your life is so much more powerful than 300. Chose those 3 – and find ways to make them a part of your story for generations to come.
Wood Block + Prints
NAPCP: Your new website is stunning! We love how you have incorporated your tribe of followers in everything you do. What would you like to tell all of those people?
JW: This is a question that feels a bit emotionally overwhelming to be honest. The simple words, thank you. But the feeling is so much more. The honest truth is that this ENTIRE business was built by our community. It’s something that makes me feel so much gratitude toward the numerous people who don’t even realize what they’ve done. Because of this, we feel a tremendous sense of loyalty to our customers. It’s our job to be obsessive about adding value to their lives. It’s our job to give back in ways that we know how and to keep listening and building for the path ahead. I will never have enough words of gratitude for the photo community that has rallied behind us. You are simply amazing.
[signature] print
NAPCP: What part of your business has inspired you the most?
JW: I think one of the most inspiring things for us has been to create product with purpose across so many levels. For example, if you take our wood calendar product. The wood comes from our Colorado forests that have been ravaged by the pine beetle. The wood is then crafted by a local woodworker who is on a mission to turn this fallen wastewood into beauty. These planks are then sent to a non-profit whom works with developmentally disabled adults whom assemble the hardware. This provides meaningful employment and it’s amazing to see. And then photographers from around the world use this product to share their art and stories. When we look at the entire product creation process – we realize we have a chance to impact the world at every turn. Learning how to take responsibility for every turn of our product’s creation has been incredibly inspiring and continues to guide us into the future.
Postcard Pack
Instagram Friendly Softcover Book
A HUGE THANK YOU to Jenna Walker for taking the time to speak with us a little about Artifact Uprising and share her insights! Read more about Artifact Uprising here!

Crystal James
[email protected]
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