NAPCP Retreat 2016: Final Two Speakers Revealed!

NAPCP Retreat 2016: Final Two Speakers Revealed!

Registration Opens TODAY at Noon EST

reveal speakers blog-day6

Visit the NAPCP Retreat Website for more details and information!

Introducing NAPCP Keynote Speaker Jeff Shinabarger of Plywood People!
Jeff Shinabarger is a social entrepreneur and the author of More or Less and Yes or No. He is Executive Director of Plywood People and has a vision to make Atlanta a center for social innovation, while personally engaging in over 100 problem solving start-ups. His work has been featured by CNN, USA Weekend, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Huffington Post, Christianity Today, Coca-Cola, Relevant Magazine, and the Chicago Sun Times. He is the cofounder of Q and creatively led Catalyst for eight years. Many gatherings, universities and corporations invite Jeff to share his insights with their communities including TedX, Pecha Kucha, Creative Mornings, Catalyst, and Q Ideas. Jeff and his wife, Andre, live in Atlanta and have two children.
Introducing NAPCP Retreat Speaker Alice Park!
Co-founder of the National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) and founder of Alice Park Photography in Atlanta, Ga., Alice is a passionate creative, entrepreneur and industry influencer. With more than 10 years of first-hand experience growing two global businesses from the ground up, Alice is an expert in the needs and challenges of running a successfully branded business. Her experience has resulted in heartfelt insight into the nuances of a company’s culture — from networking to design to customer service. Along with her husband Kyu, the husband-wife team is committed to giving back to the international network of specialized child photographers who have supported them so strongly over the past decade.
What’s new for the NAPCP Retreat in 2016?
Choice of Focus Areas – This year, the four-day Retreat agenda features a NAPCP Member-Focused Track and a High School Senior-Focused Track, with valuable sessions focused on those key areas. Intimate small group breakouts and private mentoring opportunities are sprinkled throughout the retreat, and it will all be kicked off by Jeff Shinabarger who will get you in just the right frame of mind. In addition, we will have optional Master Classes being offered at the conclusion of the retreat AND you will embark on your journey home with your very own customized 2016 Marketing Plan in hand for your most successful year yet! The NAPCP Retreat 2016 is conveniently scheduled for January 12-15, immediately after Imaging USA (January 10-12) concludes in downtown Atlanta. Why not take advantage of both events?


Kristen the designer
[email protected]
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