NAPCP Announces Photographer of The Year: 2010!


NAPCP Announces Photographer of The Year: 2010!

The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) is thrilled to announce its first Child Photographer of the Year, Dana Pugh of Short and Sweet Photography! A winning image from Dana was featured on an electronic billboard in New York City’s famed Times Square.
Based in in Calgary, Alberta, Dana has been bringing her unique mix of quirk and documentary photography to families since 2007. Known for creating collections of images that work together to tell a story (and produce big, soul-filling smiles), Dana’s work has been on the cover of Birthing Magazine and was recently the subject of a spot on Shaw TV.
The overall NAPCP Child Photographer of the Year winner was determined by total number of points scored in both 2010 NAPCP Image Competitions. Thousands of stunning images were critiqued by a blue-ribbon panel of experts based on impact, technical merit, composition and creativity.
“The overwhelming response to NAPCP’s image competitions underscores the creative passion of the child photography community,” said Kyu Park, co-founder and president, NAPCP. “We are excited to be able to honor the unique talents of these professionals—and especially Photographer of the Year Dana Pugh—for their ability not only to capture the fleeting image of youth, but also to craft true works of art that delight families for generations.”
Congratulations to Dana on her fantastic accomplishment!
Check out the press release here!

Alice Park
[email protected]

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