Helpful Tips for a Successful Marketing Monday Event

We are so happy you have chosen to share with our member community. Learning from one another and encouraging others is what NAPCP is all about! Please use the information below to prepare for your upcoming event in the NAPCP Member Community and don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions/concerns.

Come Up With a Topic

We love topics that are specific to what you do best. The most successful topics are concise, with 3-5 tips or strategies to focus on during your live event. The live portion should be about 15-20 minutes long. Expect to spend another 10-15 minutes in the week following your live event to answer questions in the comments, as needed.

Create an Outline & Description

Prepare an outline and description of your tips/strategies and send it to for review before your event. We use this information to schedule content and promote the upcoming Marketing Monday sessions on our website and via email. You do not need to include all of your talking points in your outline, but it helps to write some additional notes for yourself — it can be easy to get distracted by live questions during the event!

Example Outline:

Three tips for creating great blog content
1. Get a scheduling app such as …
2. Keep an idea notebook
3. Create a series (Friday favorites, etc)

Short Description:

Do you struggle with creating great blog content? Lisa Smith is sharing her three tips for blog success!

Long Description:

In this Marketing Monday segment Lisa Smith, of XYZ Photography, shares some of her strategies for creating and maintaining dynamic blog content for your readers.


Although we will be sending out an eblast to our member community and telling them about your topic, we ask that you also share with your community that you will be joining us! NAPCP fosters sharing and learning within the professional photography community, and we would love to use our Marketing Mondays as outreach for new photographers trying to start their businesses.


1 – If using an iPhone, the videos are best horizontal/landscape (rather than vertical). If you are using a laptop, you don’t need to worry about this.

2 – Make sure you are in the NAPCP Member Community Facebook Group before you go live! Once in the group, simply choose the ‘Live Video’ option and title your video – Marketing Monday – 3 Tips for Blogging Success (or whatever your topic is).

3 – That’s it! Have fun and enjoy your live event!


Send Us Your Video

Only the person who was live is allowed to download their video, so we need your help! First, find your video in the NAPCP Facebook Community and click on it. Under video, click on Options. Download HD to your computer and then send to NAPCP! If you need a link to upload your video, please ask.

Be Available For Questions

Our live videos are available for viewing in the member community for weeks after. Please make sure you check back and answer questions/comments from our member community.


Remember, it’s online forever!

Light is everything!

We want our viewers to be able to see you! Make sure you are in good lighting (facing a window is usually the best option). Before you click “go live”, you will be able to see how you look and the lighting of your video; make adjustments as necessary. Look your best and dress for success! Hundreds (or thousands) of people will view these videos in the future, so pick your favorite outfit, do your hair, and live it up rock star!

Have an Outline

In order to get your momentum going, it’s a good idea to have an outline in front of you with talking points. It will alleviate the stress of speaking in front of people.

Go Live at 1PM EST

It’s important for those who would like to watch live that you go live at 1PM EST. Even if you are in a different time zone, please try to stick to this schedule so we can be consistent.

Don’t Be Surprised if There Aren’t a Lot of Live Viewers

Sometimes the timing can be a challenge, for members to join live. These events get anywhere from 5 to 25 LIVE viewers, but most are viewed 200+ times in the weeks following – so don’t be discouraged by the initial attendance.

Have Fun!

Marketing Mondays are a great way to meet new people in our member community and get yourself in front of your peers. Have fun and enjoy!