Session share….A girl and a horse


Session share….A girl and a horse

Sometimes, when all the elements come together, it’s a beautiful thing!

Inspiration: These were taken at a retreat I attended recently in LA.  As a professional photographer, I am constantly striving to push my creative boundaries and technique.  One of the best things about doing workshops is meeting and learning from other photographers you admire. This is so important in an industry where you have no direct colleagues.  My inspiration comes from that challenge to push myself to see things in a new creative light.
Favorite element: The “golden hour” just before sunset.  I love using back lighting to illuminate my subject’s innocence and softness.
Biggest challenge: The horse!  As wonderful as it was to have a gorgeous white horse out in a beautiful field, they are tricky to work with.  We had to have a horse wrangler there at all times, just in case.
Final words from photographer: It is so vital to constantly push creative boundaries when it comes to custom photography sessions.   Everything has been done before.  Finding a photographer with a unique vision and perspective is key in getting great images.

Helene Button
[email protected]

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