Session Share: Reyansh, 7 Days New!


Session Share: Reyansh, 7 Days New!

Inspiration: My clients’ Indian heritage served as a huge inspiration for me for this in-home newborn session. I had fun packing my bold color blankets and hats. Reyansh was a September baby, and I always like to mark the time of the year – the apple hat did just that, and I think it was the perfect addition.
Favorite Element: All of his sweet, new baby body hair! I could not miss documenting that adorable element. I also took out my macro lens to capture the tiny black dot made on the sole of his feet, placed there to guard him from misfortune.
Biggest Challenge: Low light. When I’m not shooting in my studio and heading to a client’s home, I’m always checking the weather forecast. This particular day was very dark and rainy, but rescheduling for a more sunny day  was not an option. I brought my speedlite along for the ride, and used it as fill light by bouncing it off the window.
Final Thoughts: Working inside client’s home in the city can definitely have it challenges with space and low light, but this ended up being one of my favorite newborn sessions ever. I really think that was because I made a point to consider WHO my clients were. Pre-session consultations (on the phone or in person) are the best way to figure that out.

Alexandra Ralph
[email protected]
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