Happ Fridays: Decorative Pie Crusts!


Happ Fridays: Decorative Pie Crusts!

SO with Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner I can already feel my tummy craving some delicious pies. Although I myself am not an avid baker, pies tend to be a little less tricky in the grand scheme of bake good making. One of my most recent fun finds was the art of decorative pie crusts! I had no idea there were so many ways to make a pie look so good. I have yet to actually make one, however, I fully intend on trying them all! Here is a little preview, as well as instructions on creating your own fabulous pie crusts!

These first two techniques are a little easier. The picture on the left depicts a braided pie crust. In order to achieve this look you would simply cut the dough into strips and braid together. You can actually braid sections and then mesh them together around the edge of the pie. The photo on the right is of a flower pie crust. Here again, super easy! You can find molds like these at almost any grocery store or you could get these super cute ones from William – Sonoma. Here you would simply use the cookie cutters to create the flowers and leaves and create the center yourself with a small ball of dough. Then simply arrange how you like best!

Now these are a little advanced, and I’m not going to lie, kind of intimidating. For a honeycomb pattern (pictured on the left), cut out circles in the top crust with a round or circular cutter. Fold the bottom crust over the top, and seal. Love, love that one, but might wait a little while to try 🙂 Pictured on the right is a lattice pie crust. This one is certainly a bit more complicated and instructions can be found here, of course from our favorite, Martha Stewart. 

Now if you are a beginner like me, some of the above dishes can be a quick solution to making your pie crust a little fancier! Emile Henry pie dishes (pictured left) can be used as a mold to give your pie a ribbed edge. So can this super cute Pumpkin Pie Dish (pictured top right) that even has the recipe written inside. Of course if you want to give it a try you are more then welcome to achieve the same effect by hand.
Happy Friday everyone…and happy pie crust making!

Kristen the designer
[email protected]
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