Three Course Valentine's Day Breakfast Recipe!


Three Course Valentine's Day Breakfast Recipe!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! As a special treat we have a very yummy share today from the wonderful Michael Kormos of Michael Kormos Photography. Michael has put together this storybook style recipe guide for making a delicious Valentine’s breakfast for your special someone. Enjoy!
Valentine’s Day Breakfast Recipe
Here is our three-course V-day breakfast that even a three year-old can make!
– peaches
– eggs
– two big potatoes
– sliced bread
– sprinkles (pink)
– plain yogurt
– strawberries
Tools needed:
– Cookie cutters (heart-shapes of all sizes)

Yum yuml! To see more from Michael, please visit his website here, and his blog here! Thanks again Michael…and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Kristen the designer
[email protected]
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