NAPCP's New Marketing Director!


NAPCP's New Marketing Director!

We’re so thrilled to introduce our new Marketing Director, Crystal James of Tiny Heart Studios to our Member Community!  Many of you recognize this friendly face already, but we wanted to reach out to Crystal with a fun and personal Q&A about what led her to this position and her thoughts on helping us take NAPCP to the next level!  Welcome, Crystal!
Q: Crystal, we’re so thrilled to have you on our team! Tell us what it was about NAPCP that drew your heart towards working with us?
I joined NAPCP because of a desire to connect with peers in the photography industry. Being isolated and working alone was not fulfilling for me. The connections I have made since then are an integral part of my life, personally and professionally. Getting to know you (Alice) and your husband Kyu sealed the deal for me. Your genuine and honest desire to help others is so inspiring. That was when I knew I wanted to play a bigger role in NAPCP.
Q: Your professional journey has played a big role in defining who you are and what you want to do. Can you tell us a little about your background and how that’s influenced your new role as Marketing Director for NAPCP?
Before my life as a Mom and professional photographer (Tiny Heart Studios), I spent 12 years in the hospitality industry working for Renaissance Hotels & Resorts. Having my own “box” (as hotels are affectionately called) and running my own sales team was so much fun, but my role as National Director of Business Development was also a fantastic experience. These roles allowed me to think BIG, and working for Renaissance & Marriott allowed me to experience a culture where the people always come first – just like our members at NAPCP!
Q: We love your “I want to change the world” mantra in life! It’s a contagious spirit that excites everyone around you. Tell us how you want to incorporate that into NAPCP to change the world?
It’s taken me a very long time to have a clear view in my head about “changing the world.” I am a perfectionist, and I always want my work to be perfect before sending it out to the world for consumption and judgement. Having children changed all of that for me. Kids are something that cannot be controlled or made perfect, and hence I’ve realized the beauty in imperfection (including my own). If we wait until everything is perfect before we act, nothing will ever get done. This is true in every aspect of life, but even more so in the world of charity. There is no perfect answer that will solve all of the world’s problems, but each of us has the power to do something. Anything. All of our NAPCP members have a beautiful gift of photography at their fingertips. This gift can change the world (for the better) in so many ways. I would love to see NAPCP as a catalyst for this type of change in the world.

Q: Life’s short, and we’re reminded if we’re not pursuing our passions and “filling our cup” daily, it’s easy to lose site of the bigger picture. What fills your cup, Crystal? Both personally and professionally?
People. It’s that simple for me. Nothing makes me happier than spending time connecting with people. Love makes the world go ’round. I believe that wholeheartedly.
Q: What are your short term and long term goals with NAPCP?
In the short term I hope to bring a clear and concise message to our members about who we are and where we are going in the future. I would like the benefits of having a NAPCP membership to provide exceptional value, while also being a platform to provide parents with inspiration and education about the photography industry. Long term is a bit more complex. As we move into the future, our need for human connection will become even greater than it is today. My vision for NAPCP includes a broader definition of connection through photography. The three C’s will take center stage in the future: Community, Celebration, and Charity.
Q: On the side, we love that you’re an avid health nut! Tell us about “Finding Clean” and what sparked that interest….
Oh dear, how do I keep from writing a book here? I’m not sure how “healthy” I am, but I will definitely say I’m wiser about the world of food and chemicals (hard to believe those two words belong in the same sentence). My journey was started because of health concerns with my son a couple years ago. Robyn O’Brien’s book, The Unhealthy Truth, was a life changer for me. It opened my eyes to the industrialization of our food, and how it is negatively affecting our health. The more I learned, the more overwhelmed (and shocked, disgusted, and frustrated) I was. I started the blog to help people on the journey to living a cleaner life – without having to start from scratch like I did. I hope it is a positive place for people to find answers and choices as they learn.
Q: Tell us about your family, and your favorite things to do…
My husband and I met 11 years ago through a dating service (yes, seriously), and this September marks 10 years of marriage. I am so grateful for our partnership in love, parenting, and life in general. We have two wild and wonderful kids, and a rambunctious orange tabby-cat named Dasher. Our perfect day starts with a huge family breakfast, and is followed by an excursion to Piedmont Park for bike riding and splashing in the fountains.

Q: Recent favorite reads? What tv show are you currently obsessing over?
I’m not much for a novel, although I really enjoyed Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. I love listening to Podcasts by Krista Trippett during my carpool commute. Seth Godin’s blog is a constant source of inspiration, as well as Marie Forleo and Danielle LaPorte. As for TV, I’m obsessed with Parenthood and SUITS (WWHD???).
Q: Three things you can’t live without in your bag daily 🙂
My iPhone (but it’s usually in my pocket rather than my bag), my sunglasses (Oakley Urgency – which are always on my head), and my EOS chapstick (current flavor is Pomegranate Raspberry). I guess that’s only one thing that’s actually in my bag. 🙂
Q: What would you like to say to our members as your start this new journey?
Call me, maybe! (Did you just sing that in your head like I did?) I want to hear from our members. What do you want to see more of from NAPCP? What do you love? Do you want to volunteer? And on that note, be looking for a survey — coming soon to an email box near you!

Alice Park
[email protected]
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