Happy Friday: Date Ideas for Cold Weather

Happy Friday: Date Ideas for Cold Weather

It is so important to make quality time with your spouse, partner, friends a priority. A valentine is nice, but experiences and and time are priceless, so to speak. So other than chocolate and flowers, here are some ways to fill your loved one’s love tank this time of year!
1. Find snow. When my husband and I lived in Northern California, we had to drive to it. Now that we live in Colorado, it often only involves stepping out our front door. Find it, and play in it! Make a snowman, or have a snowball fight if you’re feeling brave.
2. Go ice skating outside. If you have winter weather, chances are your city (or one near you) has an outdoor skating rink. Many rinks are free to skate, and only charge a small skate rental fee if you don’t have your own.
3. Catch a matinee. Don’t forget to split a large popcorn and a large soda! So bad they’re good — and necessary. Lots of theater chains run inexpensive marathons of all the Oscar nominees this month. “Why yes, we DID see Birdman!”
4. Eat dinner at a hidden restaurant. Large cities across American have tons of these gems! That train car or shipping container you walk by twice a week might actually be something more. Take a look! Some cities, like Boston, even have guides.
5. Volunteer. A local animal shelter gets my vote, but there are myriad opportunities!
6. Build a blanket fort. In the days before we had children, my husband Tim and I once built a blanket fort on the floor of our first apartment. We ordered pizza and watched an entire season of a favorite TV show, and it’s one of my best memories.
7. Enjoy live performance art. Ballet. Modern dance. Stomp. Poetry. Broadway!
8. Grab a hot beverage and window shop.
9. Go on a carriage or sleigh ride.
10. Take a class together. Cooking, dance … check out your local community center for some awesome options!
abbe mccracken memories (1)
11. Grab the kids. Invite them to join you in a trip down memory lane. Bring out your wedding album, a pregnancy or birth album, photos of you traveling the world! Show your children another side of you.
Thank you to the following NAPCP photographers for contributing their images to this post! In order of appearance: Brandi Lee (Balee Images) | Judy Reinford Photography | Jen Petritz Photography | Heidi Peters Photography | Abbe McCracken Photography

Katie Mitchell
[email protected]
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