Session Share: Cold and Cuddly Beach Maternity, from Cristin More Photography

Session Share: Cold and Cuddly Beach Maternity, from Cristin More Photography

Inspiration: Joe and Stephanie inspired me from the moment they stepped out of the car. They are an extremely stylish, affectionate and bubbly couple, and I knew I could push the boundaries a little bit with them and they would appreciate some added drama in the session.
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Favorite Element: That’s tough to choose — probably the light, with their connection being a close second. This session was one of the easiest to shoot because they showed up ready to cuddle and love on one another and Stephanie’s growing belly, and the light was warm and golden and glorious, like it knew this couple was special.
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Biggest Challenge: The weather! Stephanie was 37 weeks pregnant and it was freezing outside with insane winds. Luckily, Stephanie’s short hair played in our favor, creating movement with the wind that was beautiful instead of a mess, and Joe used the bad weather as an opportunity to snuggle in close. They were such troopers about the whole thing, and the results are exactly why I tell clients that sometimes bad weather can mean good things for sessions!
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Final Thoughts: This was the perfect example of a session that had all sorts of bad things going for it, but with the right people, we were able to get something great! I love Stephanie and Joe and their willingness to go for it, whether it be trying new things for me, like direct light in Golden Hour, or being willing to cuddle on a beach in the cold.

Cristin More
[email protected]
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