14 May Finding Light in the Darkness – A Historical Community Project
While some artists may struggle to be creative during difficult times, others find that creativity helps them relieve stress and find light in an otherwise dark situation. Throughout the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed lives around the world. In order to bring our community together, we asked NAPCP Members to share an image that represented how they’ve found beauty, gratitude or a silver lining in their current situation during this time of social distancing.
We are all a part of history in the making and although we are not yet sure what kind of impact of this situation will have on our lives in the future, what we do know is that we are all in this together! We loved seeing images and hearing stories from around the world, we hope that you do too.
We are taking the time to do all the little things my kids want to do. My husband is home the most he has ever been so that has truly been wonderful. I had started a 100 day of homestead project at beginning of the year- now I can definitely get it done. This was hard because I had just returned to work as a manual physical therapist after 8 years and had to stop again. I am grateful my kids have each other during this time.
Running Mom Photography | @runningmomphotography | /runningmomphotographyllc
I’m usually really good at documenting our day to day lives but have honestly struggled these last couple of weeks. This weekend I pushed myself to create something , anything , and ended up spending about an hour following light, shadows, and patterns around the house. Focusing on the light instead of the activities allowed me to see things from a different perspective which was much needed.
Ashley Soeder Photography | @ashleysoederphotography | /ashleysoederphotography
Being able to slow down and document this time with my kids has been a blessing. It has been a while since I got my camera out to document our own lives and work on some passion projects that I’ve been putting off for years.
Erika Holifield Photography | @erikaholifieldphotography | /ErikaHolifieldPhotography
I haven’t been able to shoot. Nor have I had the motivation. This is all so crazy and I’m just on survival mode. My son and I are high risk, so everyday makes me nervous. I did do 1 shot.
Gina Whalen Photography | @gina.whalen.photography | /GinaWhalenPhotography
My son went to free a bird that was stuck in our shed outside. He said “mom this is how we must all feel right now”. In the darkness he is the light.
Iris Rocha Photography | @iris_rocha_photography | /IrisRochaPhotography
Having taken a step back from my business to spend time with family in January, I’m shocked at how much I WANT to pick up my camera right now. The light in the darkness for me is watching my sons bond in a new way. Being each other’s only real playmate has truly made their relationship blossom in the last three weeks. We’ve also been able to do more “fun” things with them in a row than I can ever remember. It’s been mentally very hard for me, but for them, they’ve truly shown me that light is all around us in the darkness.
Jenny Perry Photography | @jennyperryphotography | /JennyPerryPhotography
Yesterday was the first time I’ve picked up my camera in over two weeks, but I had to capture this bonding between my boys that has stepped up to another level over these last few weeks. I never realized how much my little guy misses his big brothers while they are at school. He is in his glory (and our dog is too!) having them here all day, everyday. I’m feeling re-inspired and thankful for being forced to slow down.
Quinn Rose Photography | @quinnrosephotography | /quinnrosephotography
We brought a new puppy home right before everything started closing. I had already planned to do a 100 Day Project of our new pup and I didn’t realize how important that would be for me and how much joy it would also bring to others as I shared it. She’s a handful so with this extra time I’m able to get her more early training that she needs (I’m also a dog trainer). She makes sure we get outside several times a day and my son loves to run with her. I try to get him in photos too when he’s up for it. He’s been taking this pretty hard (sensitive and extroverted only child).
Kimberly Tank Art & Photography | @kimberlytank | /KimberlyTankArtPhotography
This is SUCH an interesting time to be documenting life daily. I’m leading a year-long 365 mentorship of about 80 people (and shooting daily myself) and the rollercoaster of emotions that everyone is feeling is so real, and so valid, and leading to so many different ways of approaching our collective creative work. Who would have known that part of being present daily with a camera would lead to capturing this weird new time? I’ve had so few days where the juggle of running a full-time biz and parenting/homeschooling/kid-wrangling is anything near easy, but I caught this in a moment where it felt a little more full of ease and that was a lovely, lovely win.
Kristyn Miller Photography | @kristynmillerphotography | /kristynmillerphotography
I find light in the sunrises and sunsets that I hardly ever have time to photograph due to my portrait work. And, now I do. I caught this sunset at one of our local marinas on March 27. I was out and about with a camera in the car, and couldn’t resist pulling over to capture this moment.
Pam Bell Photography, Inc. | @pambellphoto | /pambellphotography
I’ve been keeping my camera OUT to document moments from our coronaquarentine here in Connecticut where we are going on week….4? Here’s one of my little love reading.
Saren Cassotto Photography | @sarencassottophotography | /sarencassottophotography
On Sunday morning I went up to see what my sons were up to and I found my youngest (14) sitting in his comfy chair by the window. He loves to keep his curtains drawn so there was just a teeny bit of light coming though. Of course he was playing games on his phone, but in that moment I just watched him and was happy he was happy and healthy.
Tracy Anderson Photography | @tracyandersonphoto | /tracyandersonphotography
This was our light in the darkness … trying to find humor in all the bizarre new routines we have…
3 Cats Photo | @3catsphoto | /3catsphoto
Andrea Martin Photography | @andreamartinphoto | /AndreaMphotography/
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