Remember the Little Things

Remember the Little Things

Life is busy. Life with children can seem more like organized chaos at times:-). Between school drop offs and pickups, laundry, obligations at work, sports activities, homework, birthday parties, and the oh-so-necessary dinners with good friends, it’s easy to place “photograph the kids today” at the bottom of the list.  As a mom of two, and a children’s photographer, I can completely understand how the documentation of daily life tends to get pushed aside.  While most of us recognize the importance of recording the milestones in life with photography, oftentimes the day-to-day moments get overlooked- as if they don’t warrant as much attention.  And yet, so many times it’s the spaces in between the big moments that yield the fullest memories.

As my children get older I’ve started to realize how much I cherish the “everyday” images of them- the ones that truly depict our life….as chaotic as it may be at times.
While I adore our “real” portrait sessions and couldn’t bear to be without the images from them, I also treasure the impromptu shots I’ve taken of my kids being, well, kids…. in their dress up clothes, making that “face” they always make, hiding in the pots and pans drawer, snuggling with the neighbor’s dog….  Sure, their clothes don’t match, and more likely than not they have food, or dirt, or both, on their face, but in 20 years I know that I’ll look back on those images and remember….and isn’t that what photography is all about?

amanda padgham
[email protected]

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