Meet the Photographer: Tina Krafts

Meet the Photographer: Tina Krafts

Favorite Movies: Napoleon Dynamite; Memento
I couldn’t choose just one because I love both comedies that make you laugh until you cry (Napoleon Dynamite), and movies that keep you guessing and raise as many questions as they answer (Memento).
Favorite Book: The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
I cannot overstate how much I love this book. It is beautiful and poignant; the author’s prose and use of varied literary techniques is engaging, and her character development is masterful.
Favorite Lens: 35 mm 1.4 for newborns; 85mm 1.4 for outdoor portraits
Favorite Website/Blog: Simon Holland
This dad’s witticisms about parenting (and other topics) literally make me laugh out loud.
Favorite Music: Bruce Springsteen
I saw Springsteen live for the first time when I was 15, and I was hooked…I now own nearly every CD he has produced, and I have since seen him in concert more than 20 times in many different cities (and 2 different countries).
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Favorite Store: Sweet Elizabeth Jane in Ellicott City, Maryland
This local independent boutique is perfection. Its offerings include beautiful vintage-inspired clothing for women, fun and stylish jewelry, and unique home goods. I know that I can always find a gift for a friend or a new addition for my wardrobe every single time that I visit the store, and I additionally love supporting small local businesses!
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Favorite Local Spots: Lincoln Memorial; Kaldi’s Social House
Nearly everyone in the United States is familiar with the Lincoln Memorial’s historical significance, symbolism, and majestic appearance. It really is an awe-inspiring and tranquil site, which is why I spent many of my law school days studying or relaxing on the grassy areas overlooking the memorial, which was then a short walk from my apartment. My now husband knew that it was my favorite spot in the D.C. area (and that I just loved its magical appearance at night), so that is where he proposed to me 18 years ago.
Kaldi’s Social House is a fabulous local spot with delicious coffee, friendly baristas, and an expansive space with comfy seating.
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Photographer Idol: Luisa Dunn
Favorite Instagram Account: Barbie Baby Photographer
I love both satire/sarcasm and newborn photography, so this one is a no-brainer. 😉
Favorite Quotation: “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Most Interesting Place I’ve Traveled: Paris
The Louvre, the Musee d’Orsay, the Eiffel Tower, Versailles, the cute cafes and bistros, and fresh crepes for sale everywhere on the street! Need I say more?
Favorite Family Vacation Spot: We love going to the beach every year with good friends, but our hearts belong to the mountains. Two summers ago, my family and I spent a week hiking, biking, and exploring Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park, and we loved every minute of it (especially the cool summer temperatures…I am a cold weather girl!). We can’t wait to go back!
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Guilty Pleasure: Café mochas. Is it still a guilty pleasure if I have one every single day? My mocha is a firmly entrenched part of my morning routine, and it instantly puts me in a good mood.
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If money were no object, my occupation would be: Newborn photographer – it truly is my dream job (though that is not to say that money is no object)! I was actually an attorney for many years, but I gave up my legal career after I launched my photography business.
What Makes Me Memorable: My clients always express their amazement with my baby-soothing skills. Both of my children had severe colic as babies, so I have a lot of experience in baby shushing; as a result, I am pretty successful in calming even the fussiest of babies.
A Favorite Personal Photograph: My current personal favorite image is a photo of my grandparents with my husband and I on our wedding day. I grew up living 5 houses away from my grandparents, so I saw them pretty much every day until I went to college. . .they played a very significant role in my life. My grandmother passed away more than 8 years ago, and my grandfather passed away a little over a year ago, so I really treasure my photos and other memories of them. (Photo credit: S.A. Henderson)
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Favorite Photographs from Your Business: Wow, it is really hard to choose a single favorite image (so I had to choose two!).
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How They Represent My Brand: Both of these images reflect my style – simple, rustic/organic, and cozy.

Tina Ebert
[email protected]
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