Session Share….. Little Super Heros


Session Share….. Little Super Heros

I’ve always visualised myself as a ‘collector of light’. Like all photographers, I adore light. I ‘see’ it and ‘feel’ it everywhere I go. Thats right, I feel light. It’s warm, and comforting. It flows like golden syrup across valley’s, down hills and over streams. It wraps itself around little toes and lights up faces. Light is simply, beautiful.
Inspiration: Never is the light more beautiful, than during our winter, and never have I seen it look more spectacular, than in a sugar cane field whilst doing the daily school run.  I pulled the car over several times just to watch how the rays of sunlight flowed over the field, and how it lit up the tips of the grasses. I decided after one evening drive out to the field, that this was the place, and this was the light to capture a session based on our memories of childhood. Those memories? Well having three boys, it had to be little super heros.
Favourite Element: can I have two? Aside from the golden light, the cape! What a find! It was custom made for me, by Wendy from Little Hero Designs. I found her on Facebook. She even pressed it and drove it out to me the morning of the session.
Biggest Challenge: keeping the little men motivated until the sunlight diffused! We did lots of running around being super heros, gave stacks of encouragement and of course had some treats.
What the Clients Said? They absolutely adored them. Mum said little Master R had never looked so angelic.
Photographer’s Final Words: If you have an idea, no matter how mad it seems, give it a go! It will eat away at you otherwise, then you’ll be full of regrets that you didn’t try it. Whilst planning this session, I visited the location several times and checked the light and also looked for different viewpoints. I made sketches of any poses I thought might work and I discussed clothing co ordination with the parents. They really made the session, especially when they turned up with superman tee shirts! Perfect!

Annie Jones
[email protected]
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