Session Share: Amanda Schoch Photography: Motherhood

Session Share: Amanda Schoch Photography: Motherhood

1. Inspiration – My inspiration for this session was motherhood. Documenting the connection between a mom and her child is my mission and I have a special soft spot for new mamas who are discovering that all encompassing, amazing love that a mom has for her child.
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2. Favorite Element – If I have a soft spot for photographing new mama’s with their babies, but I absolutely melt when I get to photograph a new mama with her mom. There is something beautiful about a mom watching her beautiful daughter become a mom. They finally share in the most beautiful and sacred bond of motherhood.
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3. Biggest Challenge – The biggest challenge for me, and one I’m always ready to tackle is helping a new mom relax. There is so much going on in those first few days as they adjust to their new babe that you can almost see the never ending stream of thoughts running through their mind. I connect with my new moms and build trust over the course of the photo session so that when we get to those most important parent portraits I can help guide them through the experience, giving them the space and time to truly enjoy and be in the moment with their child.
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4. Final Thoughts – It’s such an honor and joy to be invited into my client’s home and trusted with this once in a lifetime moment.
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Such a wonderful, heartwarming session! A big thank you to Amanda for sharing this inspiring session! Be sure to check out her work on her website and on Facebook!

Amanda Schoch
[email protected]
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