Adding Pets to Family Portrait Sessions!


Adding Pets to Family Portrait Sessions!

I love when my clients have a family pet that is considered so much a part of their family that they want to include him or her in their family portrait session.  It may sound like extra work, but I actually encourage it especially when children are over the age of five.  Older children have often developed close relationships with their pets and consider them to be an integral part of the family.  Children may actually consider their dog as a close friend and confident and it is something wonderful to capture in portraits.

Adding a dog to a portrait session is a lot like adding an 18 month old. They might have short attention spans, need treats and ultimately want to run and check out new areas!  They definitely add a lot of excitement and fun to every session!  My goal is to capture relationships within a family and having their dog with them really brings out personalities quickly and naturally for a family.  Authentic smiles and laughter abound when we are focused on getting a wiggly puppy to sit still.  A pet is the ultimate prop that gives a family something to hold, touch or focus on and immediately feel at ease.  I can count on moving back at some point to simply observe everyone interacting together to photograph special candid moments. A child and his or her favorite dog is an important part of childhood to be remembered so focusing on them alone is a priority for me. I want to capture the essence of the relationship between them whether it be a quiet moment together or action packed fun with lots of giggles.  I love to see the hugs, kisses and licks that occur in unposed, spontaneous moments because the expressions on faces are priceless.

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